Articles & Dilemmas
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Articles & Dilemmas


The ethics of green technology

27 Aug 21
by 2021 BFSO Young Ambassador
You're a new relationship manager at a business bank. You  applied for the role on the basis of the organisation’s clear ESG focus and strong commitment to supporting growing businesses in the renewables and electric vehicle space. One of your new clients - a growing electric vehicle manufacturer - is seeking a loan to expand its operations so that electric vehicles may be more widely available in Australia.
Children homeschooling

The ethics of juggling lockdown with children

19 Aug 21
by BFSO 2021 Young Ambassador
You’re currently working with a colleague who you have a strong relationship with on a fast-paced project. They’ve confided in you that they’ve been struggling recently managing their workload and their increased caring duties at home during lock-down.

The ethics of vaccinations and employers

11 Aug 21
by 2021 BFSO Young Ambassador
You've just moved to a new middle management role at a large financial institution. The organisation has recently released an initiative requiring all employees to receive a vaccination.
Photograph of an extremely cluttered office.

The ethics of wills... what would you do?

04 Aug 21
by Cris Parker
You work in financial advice and have good a relationship with a number of your clients. You are Executor of the Will for one of your long-standing clients who passed away recently.

The Oath

  • Trust is the foundation of my profession.
  • I will serve all interests in good faith.
  • I will compete with honour.
  • I will pursue my ends with ethical restraint.
  • I will help create a sustainable future.
  • I will help create a more just society.
  • I will speak out against wrongdoing and support others who do the same.
  • I will accept responsibility for my actions.
  • In these and all other matters;
    My word is my bond.