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Applying an ethical lens: The 2017 BFSO Conference

Wednesday 5 July, 2017


Films of the full discussions/presentations

With Simon McKeon chairing the day and Francesca Boase, MD Edelman Australia sharing new findings from The Edelman Trust Barometer, the scene was set for a day of open discussion that challenged the tough issues.



Has regulation become self-defeating or inadvertently encourages unethical behaviour. Professor Dimity Kingsford-Smith, Steve Weston, formerly of Barclays UK, Peter Kell, Deputy Chair ASIC
Brad Cooper, CEO BT FInancial, Helen Rowell, Deputy Chair APRA, Pauline Vamos, CEO Regnan.



Is speaking up worth it to the individual or the organisation? If so, is a formal whistleblowing program the way to go? Dennis Gentilin and Professor A.J. Brown share and explore new findings.



Strengthening the social contract of banking. This session was Chatham House. The panalists included James Eyers, Stephen Mayne, Harrison Young, Jon Sutton and was moderated by Professor Elizabeth Sheedy.
There was media reporting on parts of this session.
SMH, Clancy Yeates
AFR, James Eyers



Lucinda Brogden explores the human and economic cost of not doing the right thing. She explores the statement 'culture eats strategy for breakfast' and suggests fruitbowls, yoga and engagement surveys are not necessarily the answer.



Tony Golsby - Smith, founder of Second Road explores the fourth revolution. The question is not what is the future of work but what is the work of the future and what does it mean to be truly human.



The collection of personal data is integral to improved customer service but what ethical considerations are being made when designing products? With potentially 40% of current roles becoming obselete what roles will people play? Speakers include Lucinda Brogden, Dr Kingsley Jones, Dr Catriona Wallace and Dr Simon Longstaff.



Measuring culture...some say it's easy but how can we do it?How do we iterate ethics accross the sector? Speakers include Diane Tate, Victoria Whitaker, Grant MacKinnon and Professor Justin O'Brien.



It doesn't take a lot of words to have a lot of meaning.The importance of ethics to the individual, to business and to society is simply expressed through images and words. Thank you to the talented Glider Global for producing this film that played through out the day.




A warm thank you to all the speakers who gave there time and talent on the day. Everyone was courageous and willing to push the boundaries to discuss issues that are often hard to address.

Simon McKeon AO, Chairman, Banking and Financial Services Oath Policy Council, Chancellor, Monash University
Francesca Boase, Managing Director, Edelman
Pauline Vamos, Director, Banking and Financial Services Oath CEO Regnan
Helen Rowell, Deputy Chairman, APRA
Peter Kell, Deputy Chairman, ASIC
Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith, Director, Centre for Law Markets & Regulation, UNSW
Steve Weston, Former CEO Mortgages, Barclays Bank UK
Brad Cooper, CEO, BT Financial Group
Clare Payne, Director, Banking and Financial Services Oath Consulting Fellow, The Ethics Centre
Adam Ferrier, Consumer Psychologist
Lucinda Brogden, Mental Health Commissioner, National Mental Health Commission
Dennis Gentilin, Founding Director, Human Systems Advisory
Professor AJ Brown, Centre for Governance & Public Policy, Grif th University
Harrison Young, Non-Executive Director, Commonwealth Bank
Stephen Mayne, Director, Shareholders Association Australia
James Eyers, Senior Reporter, Financial Services, The Australian Financial Review
Jon Sutton, CEO, BOQ
Professor Elizabeth Sheedy, Associate Professor at Macquarie University
Victoria Whitaker, Co-Head Advice & Education, The Ethics Centre
Diane Tate, Executive Director – Retail Policy, Australian Bankers Association
Professor Justin O’Brien, Australian Centre for Financial Studies, Monash University
Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Executive Director, The Ethics Centre
Dr Catriona Wallace, Founder & CEO, Flamingo
Kingsley Jones, CIO, Jevons Global
Grant MacKinnon, Risk Culture Specialist Leader, Principal, Deloitte

The Oath

  • Trust is the foundation of my profession.
  • I will serve all interests in good faith.
  • I will compete with honour.
  • I will pursue my ends with ethical restraint.
  • I will help create a sustainable future.
  • I will help create a more just society.
  • I will speak out against wrongdoing and support others who do the same.
  • I will accept responsibility for my actions.
  • In these and all other matters;
    My word is my bond.