Cameron Howlett, Business Manager, Westpac
Three key reasons drive me in my role as a BFSO Young Ambasador.
- Deep passion for the professionalization of the Banking and Finance Industry My experience as a lawyer generally (a highly regulated and professionalized industry) and as a lawyer for Westpac through the Royal Commission have dramatically shaped my passion for professionalisation. The impact, importance, and scope of involvement in people's lives that bankers have is almost unsurpassed, and ensuring we hold ourselves to the highest standard is non-negotiable.
- Importance of embedding ethics young participating in a program to ensure younger industry members are introduced to ethics is critical, and there is no program that does that as appropriately and effectively as The BFSO.
- Peer Participation I've worked with or heard about the program from two previous participants (Ricky Rangra and Elle Griffin). Both speak incredibly highly of the program, the impact they felt they've had through it, and the development they experienced.