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What would you do? Your weekly ethical dilemma challenge

Thursday 28 March, 2019
by Jodi O'Callaghan
You are a qualified accountant. You have been asked, by your line manager, to complete a costing exercise with a very short deadline and limited resources.

You are a qualified accountant. You have been asked, by your line manager, to complete a costing exercise with a very short deadline and limited resources.

You think the Chief of People & Culture in your organisation is planning to use this information to restructure the company, including making some of your close colleagues redundant.

You are worried that your work cannot be robust enough to be used for such a big business decision, but your line manager is putting you under a lot of pressure to complete the work quickly.

What would you do? What ethical considerations would you give to your decision-making? Why? Why not?

We encourage you to post your answers in the comments so we can create a healthy discussion, with the aim of learning from our peers, becoming aware of differing perspectives and challenging our own biases.

If you would like to submit an ethical dilemma to feature in an upcoming weekly challenge please email:

Photo by Riley Briggs on Unsplash


There are 1 comments for What would you do? Your weekly ethical dilemma challenge.

What would you do? Your weekly ethical dilemma challenge

Wednesday 27 March, 2019
by Andy Gowers
Clarify with the line manager why the urgency and what the purpose of the report is. Ask whether more resources could be allocated and/or more time available, depending upon the response above from the line manager. Make your call accordingly and weigh up your concerns for your work colleagues, if the purpose of the report is as you suspect.

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