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The ethics of workplace giving… what would you do?

Tuesday 30 March, 2021
by Anonymous

You are part of a workplace giving committee raising funds for farmers in your rural community who have recently been impacted by drought.

Your branch goal was to raise $5,000 between the community and employees, and head office has promised to dollar match the amount raised. You have raised $7,000 – well over and above the target.

The head of the fundraising committee who is your branch manager would like to take the group out for a casual dinner to celebrate, using a small amount of the surplus funds to do so. The time contribution from the group was voluntary and each employee spent a considerable amount of time after hours campaigning in the local community to raise the funds.

You like the idea of the comradery and gesture, but spending fundraised money doesn’t sit well with you. There is no workplace giving policy that stipulates this is breaking any rules or regulations.

What would you do?

We challenge you to create a healthy discussion with your colleagues and post a comment below. You could even encourage them to consider taking The Banking and Financial Services Oath!

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There are 2 comments for The ethics of workplace giving… what would you do?.

Re: The ethics of workplace giving… what would you do?

Wednesday 31 March, 2021
by Michael
Acknowledging the voluntary hard work, the time and effort put in was 'our' contribution to the cause. To use donated funds that were provided for a specific purpose on another purpose would be a clear breach of ethical standards. Donors and the community for whom funds were raised would feel let down and it certainly would not pass the 'pub test'.

Re: The ethics of workplace giving… what would you do?

Thursday 1 April, 2021
by Thomas
I think if you are considering taking the money and treating yourself there is a bigger issue at play. You're feeling unrecognised or under appreciated at work - and why is that. Do you have a manager that doesn't appreciate you or are you committed to your work?

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