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The ethics of secret requests

Thursday 29 June, 2023
by Anonymous

man using a laptop

You are new to a company and your boss, who so far you have had a good relationship with, has asked you to retrieve some information from a colleague's computer without them knowing.

Your boss claims that this information is crucial for a project they are both working on, plus it is a good sign that your boss trusts you, but you are also aware that accessing someone's computer without their consent is a violation of privacy.

What do you do?

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Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash


There are 1 comments for The ethics of secret requests.

Re: The ethics of secret requests

Thursday 13 July, 2023
by Alex
This is a criminal offence so don’t. Politely point this out. It needs someone more senior not junior to your boss or someone otherwise duly authorised.

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