You’re a loan officer working in a large financial institution and a loan application has landed on your desk from a new customer. You recognise the name of this high-profile individual who is ‘allegedly’ part of a drug cartel.
You feel uncomfortable about progressing this loan application. You question the use of the funds but recognise your judgement being clouded having lost a friend to an accidental drug overdose recently.
What would you do?
- Does this application fit within your organisation’s risk appetite?
- Are you entitled to make a judgement on this person when there is no legal implication of a criminal record?
- Should your personal experience influence your professional decision?
We challenge you to create a healthy discussion with your colleagues and post a comment below. You could even encourage them to consider taking The Banking and Financial Services Oath!
Please share your ethical dilemmas with us - we can post them anonymously. You can email your dilemmas to
Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash