Your workplace has sent out the dates for the office shutdown. This year the forced leave period has been extended to much more than the 3 days between Christmas and New Year you had been expecting.
You do not celebrate Christmas and with family overseas had been planning a trip home next year, but with 2 weeks of leave being forced upon you now, having enough leave to take an extended break will be difficult to achieve. You have objected to the leave but have been told that for a small start-up it is a liability to have a build-up of entitlements, and as it is a quiet period the business will shut-down and everyone is expected to be on leave at the same time. No exceptions.
You enjoy your work and have loyally contributed to its success, but do feel disappointed at being asked to prioritise the needs of the business when your personal circumstances are not even being considered. You understand that most of your colleagues will happily accept this policy, but just because you are the odd one out does it mean you shouldn't say something?
What would you do?
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Photo by Antenna on Unsplash