You have been working on a proposal with a colleague who is in the same team and junior to you. You’ve both put in a significant amount of work and you can see that your colleague is really extending themselves.
It was to be a joint presentation but due to the quality of the presentation you’ve been told by your manager that there is an unusual opportunity to present directly to the client and she has asked you to make the presentation.
What would you do?
Do you have any duty or obligation to your colleague? To your manager? To the client?
We encourage you to post your answers in the comments so we can create a healthy discussion, with the aim of learning from our peers, becoming aware of differing perspectives and challenging our own biases.
Please share your ethical dilemmas with us - we can post them anonymously. You can email your dilemmas to
This dilemma was originally published in September 2019.
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash