For Young Professionals

2024 Young Ambassadors

The Young Ambassador Program encourages and supports final year students, graduates and young professionals to adopt a strong ethical foundation as they begin their careers in the banking and financial services industry.

group of young professionals sitting and standing in a posed group shot
2024 Young Ambassadors


Gemma Hinton, Finance Graduate, NAB

Gemma Hinton

Finance Graduate, NAB
Nelson Carey, Analyst, APRA

Nelson Carey

Analyst, APRA
Alex Pan, Risk & Compliance Analyst, Future Group

Alex Pan

Risk and Compliance Analyst, Future Group
Alessio Razza, Analyst, CBA

Alessio Razza

Analyst, CBA
Adete Bhasin, Investments Analyst, Australian Super

Adete Bhasin

Investments Analyst, Real Assets, Australian Super
Belinda Cao, Graduate, NAB

Belinda Cao

Personal Banking Graduate, NAB
Johnny Cameron, Credit Analyst, Westpac

Johnny Cameron

Credit Analyst, Westpac
Manbir Singh, Graduate, NAB

Manbir Singh

Corporate and Institutional Banking Graduate, NAB
Will Thomson, Financial Analyst, Macquarie Group

Will Thomson

Financial Analyst, Macquarie Group
Nikita Chopenko, Manager, Risk Culture, CBA

Nikita Chopenko

Manager, Risk Culture, CBA
Aprajita Bhasin, Graduate, Macquarie Group

Aprajita Bhasin

Business Operational Risk Management Graduate, Macquarie Group
Matthew Comito, Graduate, Macquarie Group

Matthew Comito

Banking & Financial Services Graduate, Macquarie Group
Vicky Chen, Senior Associate, PwC

Vicky Chen

Senior Associate, PwC
Luke Nicholls, Graduate, NAB

Luke Nicholls

Risk Graduate, NAB
Billy Elsum, Paralegal, Gilbert + Tobin

Billy Elsum

Paralegal, Gilbert + Tobin

The Oath

  • Trust is the foundation of my profession.
  • I will serve all interests in good faith.
  • I will compete with honour.
  • I will pursue my ends with ethical restraint.
  • I will help create a sustainable future.
  • I will help create a more just society.
  • I will speak out against wrongdoing and support others who do the same.
  • I will accept responsibility for my actions.
  • In these and all other matters;
    My word is my bond.