SCAMS project

By 2023 Young Ambassadors

The SCAMS project group chose to raise awarenesss amongst young Australians about the growing proliferation of scams. 

Working with the National Anti-Scams Centre (NASC), the SCAMS project group created a series of social media posts targeting young people and encouraging them to share their experiences and reporting to

The Oath

  • Trust is the foundation of my profession.
  • I will serve all interests in good faith.
  • I will compete with honour.
  • I will pursue my ends with ethical restraint.
  • I will help create a sustainable future.
  • I will help create a more just society.
  • I will speak out against wrongdoing and support others who do the same.
  • I will accept responsibility for my actions.
  • In these and all other matters;
    My word is my bond.